
My mistake was in loving blindly.
Trusting and willfully believing.
Like a sheep I followed him.
I’ve learned from that.

I am now sure, he did not love.
Was most untrustworthy.
Words were intentionally deceitful.
Was my worse nightmare, not the one,
One may be convinced is, but it is him.
One who is similar but stronger than me.

He gave and blessed all.
Those around and about him, while
Purposefully with holding all, denying me.
Trampled on everything I ever wanted.
Chased away my most beloved.
Gave me sadness, stole my happiness.

I used to spend my awakened moments,
Enthralled in praising, constantly singing choruses.
Not any more for as I came to realize, after I called.
How selfish of a man he now is, I stopped. No longer,
Do I believe, he is worthy for me or my praises.

As he with held all that was right from me.
Destroyed my work, disrespected my efforts.
In order, that, no one would want me but turn away.
Well now, we are on opposite sides.

Whatever we had before has died, I was wrong!
The one he comforted and stood beside, the other
His earthly wife, and love of his present life
Is the new Jerusalem, for I, the old, have always existed.

For more of Ruth's poetry purchase, Fantasy/Controversy or My Reality.


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