To Forget You!

My pain my protection.
From the foolishness
I would have chosen to do.
What I now endure, my guide.
Will enable me, get me through.
How could I ever allow him;
To do the same to my children,
As he deliberately chose to do to me?

Loving is staying, indifference is leaving.
Not caring is not answering or helping.
In loving myself, I accepted the truth.
That I was not loved or cared for by you.

My action, my choice a little disgraceful.
But if in telling the truth, I’m vindicated.
Then I will be able to move on, not forget;
All that you have said, and done as I became.
The one left behind in sadness and shame.

Wishes never to see your face again, my hope.
That is what I’ll hold onto, anticipate my joy.
Would be restored, and you, I would not remember.
For it is not my trials, I want to forget, but you.
For more of Ruth's poetry purchase, Fantasy/Controversy or My Reality.


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