
You are choosing not to aid your relative.
It is not assistance for him that I seek, but it is,
For my release that I plead. I am asking you.
To deliver your second cousin, not a stranger.
Is this how you treat your other family?
Ok, perhaps you do not know, as I did not.
Wish I knew twenty years ago, but I do now.
Still twenty years are like yesterday to me.
So I am now, imparting it to you. I know it is different
For you, than it is actually for me, your words still
Resides in the fore front of my memory, scary, scary!
I felt horrible, hearing those words as they poured
From the one, I admired most, so I walked alone.
That was not the way, I wanted my life to proceed.
But it certainly shows that I am not in charge of this.
I experience, I ask for help then, I am ignored by you,
My husband, my partner, the authorities and all.
Why is that so hard to believe, when you are doing?
Identically as all who has to date refused to listen
Even if I am as I am an angel, or your relative
Perhaps that was the favor I needed to ask of you.
To agree to take the test that would show our relation.

For more of Ruth's poetry purchase, Fantasy/Controversy or My Reality.


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