Words of Comfort!

Oh Jerusalem, The beautiful!
As I watch the sun rise and set
On your magnificent, I yearn for
Nothing other than to be with you.
To be able to see, be consumed,
As I delighted in the warmth of you.
I'd gaze upon your face as you smiled.
Wish we could embrace, I long only to put
Your heart and mind at ease, comfort you.
How could I ever leave you, forget
The one that I loved, not even for a day?
Jerusalem, my artistic angelic friend,
I will never turn my face from you again.
You, I would always support, for your warmth,
Your words, love songs have restored my faith,
My joy, I have become nothing more than
A spell bound man lost in hopeful anticipation.

For more of Ruth's poetry purchase, Fantasy/Controversy or My Reality.


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