For A Good Cause!

This has been such an excruciatingly painful process for me. I struggle with accepting that God has chosen to desert me, yet will change my current situation into something for the greater good. I know that I am searching for real altruism. It has become abundantly evident that chivalry is dead. In past writings, I have expressed my feelings in regard to being ignored by those that I sought to assist me. Even the one I paid to negotiate my standing in a dignified manner appears to have been more interested in getting the money he was paid. I am yet to see any true indicator that he did any work.

Again this gave me caused to reflect back on my father and what he hopes to accomplish through me. I was so burdened and overly troubled by being treated unjustly; all I wanted was one person to believe in me. That came at an extremely high cost. To date I have not seen any evidence that any steps were made to reach a resolution that would appease me. I have a minute amount of confidence in men, I am highly skeptical, that anything will be truly done. Although, I do feel that it was with reason, I was allowed to seek out the only option, I thought I had. Yet, for the sake of those involved, I am burdened. As a result, I am conflicted on many levels. It feels as though my father has also failed me, once again. Although, he may be setting everything in place. Only time can reveal, if this is still his turning away, or for a good cause.

I want the best for everyone I chose to love in spite of whatever error they have made in life. Even if in error, they have turned away from me. My greatest difficulty is that I am like any other person. As people, we all allow our love ones to go unpunished at times for inflicting us, but we all have our limits and so do I.

If I loved someone and I hid the truth from them, then that would not be love, at all. If I loved, and I know that certain things would have grave consequence for them, then I could not remain silent. What they chose to do with what I impart, is entirely up to them, and that is exactly the situation with all involved. I certainly would not beat anyone into submission. This is all about freely choosing to do what is right.

As I am as grieved about my daughter choosing to live lasciviously, I grieve over choices made by others in error.

For more of Ruth's poetry purchase, Fantasy/Controversy or My Reality.


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