Picturesque View!

I know I took this photo and I remember taking it, just not the precise moment. I was going through a back up CD of my old files, and I found several of the most stunning photos that I had ever taken. These I thought I had lost, from my computer crashing. I was searching for ones of a truly dear friend of mine that had passed. I was hoping that I might have found those. I did not, but I am grateful for what I did find.

This photo was taken on one of my many trips to New York City. The view is of Harlem. I do not know if I could ever find this precise spot again, but I am certainly happy that I preserved the view. That idiom is parallel to my writings. I record my feelings at the precise times of my struggle. I know my views of my situation may change, in the future. Yet, at the time of my writings my pain and hurt was intensely real. I may never recall these things in the future. Nonetheless, these were my true feelings at the moment they were recorded.


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