Lesson Learned!

We all come away with some lesson from living this life about our creator. I believe that to be true of even men that do not believe in him. They learned to ignore the mystery that is his. Most importantly they like me through life has learned to rely on themselves. I, on the other hand, know he exists because I have walked with him. I know about his sacrificial love for men and his desertion of me. I know that he has placed all above and before me. I certainly do not understand how people can be so convinced or even deny the truth of him. Yet, I too was once intensely convinced that he loved and cared about me. Not until, I was willing to accept the truth, was I actually able to see it for what it honestly is.

I wailed and mourned within myself and cried out loud.

“You do not love me!” I held unto that lie for too long. No one throws away or walks away from his beloved. No one watches while his beloved suffers if they can change things. Perhaps for a moment, the way the Father did Jesus, but not for a life time. That is the difference!

I would never stand by and watch if I could intervene as someone mistreats my child, especially if my child says to me, “help me.” What parent, what husband would do that to their wife, their child?

I may still come away with utterly no understanding about men, but this life has given me considerable insight in regard to God's love for me. It is none existent, but he certainly does exists.


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