
Is there anything so profoundly bothersome that I cannot write about it? The answer is yes! We all have our passion and frustrations, and there is quite a bit wrong with this world we can never fix it in a life time.

The main focus of this world; however seem to be that of things that manufacture wealth. Those who do not produce or have any riches are of lesser concern to those who handle the affairs of this world. On a smaller scale, things that are of importance in regard to children are not a top priority and is under funded. As if it will not affect the future of society and the quality of everyone's life.

As much as I adopted children that the state of Texas were fully aware would struggle at some point in life without adequate intervention, they made no effort to provide those services. As a matter of fact, they with held and or denied, what they originally agreed to provide.

As a direct result of this, today, my life is plagued by a teenager that is determined to destroy herself and her sisters. The saddest part is that she is oblivious to her own actions and the effect they have on others.

My frustration only increases with each passing day because of the inadequate assistance, I have been receiving. Everyone appears to be placing more efforts on their own agenda and making a name for them selves than rendering aid.

As horrible as this is, it is giving me an accurate picture of the character of all of these. I am fully aware of how selfish humans are, and I know that if I chose to avoid people because of selfishness, I would end up shutting out the world. Presently, however, I feel that to defend any of those who have let me down during this time; I would be choosing them over my child. My life is currently on hold to care for these; because this is as important to me as any of my own personal aspiration. With that, I honestly feel that I cannot embrace any one who has out rightly refused to assist me with this. The very thought that I could do that in the future is extremely troubling to me. I can accept that society and everyone else have failed me, but I could never live with myself, if I failed myself. In this instant failing myself, would be associating or embracing anyone who considered my troubles and even me not worthy of a helping hand.

Unless one has lost a child, because of emotional issues to the streets, they would not understand or can identify with what I am saying. Unless they have stood in my place, and be who I am, they would not know. Yet apart of me pity the ones that refused me. I think they did so out of ignorance. How could anyone who sincerely understood my position, make such a foolish choice?

For more of Ruth's poetry purchase, Fantasy/Controversy or My Reality.


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