The Desired!

I peered into the shadow of a man
I thought did not understood me.
His frail frame sunken cheeks, elevated bones
Was an injustice, did not tell the true story.
His was once the face of elegance and grace.
I held tightly to his now thin body.
Still not wanting to let go of him, although,
He appeared not to be the man I fell in love with.

I could hardly carry twenty five pounds, but now
As my every step pounded the pavement, I carried him.
We were there because he also wanted to see his dream.
Not sure when the idea of developing that land was conceived.
If it were before or after he partnered with me, but I was with him.

Still I wondered if it were the same with him, had I missed anything.
I knew jolly well that things were not always as they appeared.
I just did not quite understand his actions, or sincerely know,
If his desires were always for me, at times, he seemed quite uncertain.

We were almost at the end of our journey, but I do not want it to end.
Yet, in our short time together, he brought contentment to me, more than all.
He had always been special, the reason, I loved him.
Wish I could have held him for all time, for that I would have gladly done.


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