
Angel! As if at that moment, he saw.
The only one to whom actual truth was revealed.
At various times heavenly creatures live among men.
For many has entertained them unknowingly.
His slender body clad in fitted denim trousers.
Standing as though he had already forgotten.
It has been decades, yet I remembered.
Was not quite sure as to what, he referred.
Did he actually see or was it of her beauty, he spoke?
Then imagine my surprise, when the realization hit me.
He did see an angel, then briefly pursued.
Yet it is clear, he does not honestly know.
Neither does he believe in the existence of such creatures,
Thus denying her being and what he had seen.
The evidence is in her actions, the things she does,
Cannot be explained, a peculiar thing to voice, afraid to say.
He did love, sadly to say, but not today, a different time.
The reality that God is present among mankind will be his.
The great, "I Am" always was and forever will be.


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