Choosing to Be Noncompliant!

Oddly enough I stated in one of my most recent blog that I withdrew myself from my daughter’s care. A few minutes ago, I spoke with a social worker at Spaulding for children. According to her, Texas State would agree to pay for my daughter’s continued residential treatment but only if I were involved in her care.

I cannot begin to impart to anyone how much the State of Texas appear to be more like a communist State than a democratic one. Various State agencies have violated my civil rights from the moment I have adopted my children from the State of Texas.

It all started when I noticed that my two older girls were constantly sexually acting out. Knowing fully well, that children that age could not be aware of those things unless they were exposed to it somehow, I called the social worker that handled the placement. It was about a month before they came to my home to document my complaints. After that, they arranged for me to take the oldest girl to a therapist. Instead of working with the child the therapist set out to give me lessons in growth and development. In other words, she was indicating that sex play was normal for a three and four year old. I was highly aggravated with her, to say the least. As a nurse, we covered most of those psychology courses in pre-nursing. At that time, the children were still award of the State of Texas, so they were responsible for the decision as to which therapist the child saw. I was not terribly impressed with her at all and thought her to be nothing but mediocre. After several months, the children continued to act out sexually, and I kept complaining. Prior to adopting them whenever I complained about the children’s behavior, Child Protective Services did not once investigate to see if their behavior were as a result of my abusing them. That, however, changed after the adoption was consummated. In other words, upon adopting the children, I lost my credibility.

Approximately after about six months of living with me, one little girl was on top of the other, rolling around, on the floor. I then said to them, “What are you doing?”

The three years old said, “You know, we are doing what daddies, do.”

I looked at her and said, “Are you, maybe you should tell me about it, because I do not know what it is that daddies do.” Immediately, I could tell by the look on her face that she felt she did something wrong. With that, I told her, the three year old to go play down stairs, so I could talk with her sister.

I then said to the four years old, “I notice you play a lot like that, would you mind telling me who taught you that kind of play?”

She then said, “No, but he said, he would kill me if I did.” I then gave her my word that no matter what happened, I would always protect her. With that, she told me that it was her foster father. The man she had lived with ever since she was five months old. I felt undoubtedly extremely horrible. She was in tears, and I hugged her and told her to come with me.

We both made our way into the kitchen area where my husband was working on the computer. I then told him what the child had just told me. To my amazement, in front of the child, he declared her a liar. He then instructed me to keep my mouth shut because it was wrong to go around accusing innocent people of something that horrible.

Good God! I did not know what to do! I just promised the child I would protect and support her, but his man was now asking me to choose. In that instant, I chose to lie to him. I reassured him that I would keep my mouth shut.

Luckily, or so I felt at that time, my mother was spending a few days with us. I got up early, dressed the child and myself and headed to the county, in which the crime occurred. We marched in the Child Protective Office, and I had her file a complaint. I was gone the entire day. When I finally got back home, my mother asked me, where I had been. I told her. Her response was that she was totally appalled at me. My husband had instructed me to keep my mouth shut, and I had disobeyed. What was even more shocking was what she said to him. Unlike me, she would have abided by with her husband's request. So that was my sin, I disobeyed, he who, I ought to have obey. As a result, my husband became indifferent towards me, for about a year.

As things unfolded, no charges would be filed because it would be the word of a black foster child against a white Citizen that did not have a prior record. In about a year, the same DA that refused to file charges came knocking at my door asking me to testify. All of a sudden, they had a case. After all the children had been removed from that foster home, the man’s grandchildren became his victims. With that, the legitimacy of the girl complains changed and so did my husband's. All of a sudden he was accepting of my actions but became more supportive of this child in the years that followed, than he was of me. To be real honest, I was satisfied that, he was supportive of her. I felt I was more equipped to deal with his rejection than she was.

I am not going to write all the many ways after that, by which the state of Texas has offended me. What I will say is that, for years after this, those children continued to act out sexually. Ever time there after that I appealed to them for help instead of giving me help they initiated an investigation against me. Had I not had my daughter reported that abuse; I would have been behind bars along time ago. After they substantiate that I had done nothing wrong, they would close the case and move on without giving me any assistance.

For a number of reasons, I am upset with my family. It is with the most excellent of reasons, I need to care for myself and walk away from this. How many times do I need to be humiliated for choosing to do something honorable? Everyone has there limits, and that includes me. After all, I am a person, and I do not appreciate being dumped on.

In my previous blog, I failed to say that the bible does instruct wives to be subjected to their husband. Being subjected to one’s husband is not a position of servitude. A wife is supposed to be a man’s partner, his helper, and he is to be the same for his wife. My advice to any woman would be that, they should not support their men if they are making wrong choices. Support whatever is true and noble and of a good report. I did, and it cost me eighteen years of rejection, but I would make the same choices again. I will not allow anyone including this local state government to dictate to me, what I should or should not do. If I continue not to be able to get myself out of this, then I would choose to rot in jail before I do another thing, I am not in favor of.!

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