Pleasant Day

I had a lovely morning. I went to a friend house to support her. She had a training session at her house so as to advance in her Mary Kay business. As apart of the training she had to have individuals that would be interested in listening to a presentation on becoming a sales person. The training was conducted by a regional representative and was exceptionally pleasant. They encouraged participation by handing out tickets that were then entered into a drawing for a prize. There were a total of five people, not including the presenter. I actually enjoyed the time even learning about the company. It also helped that there was no pressure to become a seller.

There is still a certain amount of shyness about me, although, at times, I can be some what outgoing. Whenever I am comfortable in an environment, I can out talk and out play most people. It usually takes time for me to get to that comfort level before that happens but in this scenario that was not the case. In such a small group I generally have no apprehension at all. So I talked and asked questions quite care freely.

After the trainer left the women and I stayed behind and talked about our ambitions and desires in life. They shared what they had been doing career-wise and where they are currently on their career path. I assume they were all younger than I, but I was remarkably relaxed sharing and interacting with them.

In contrast whenever I attended other functions even small house parties at times I can become terribly uncomfortable. I openly shared with the women that when I feel a kinship with someone how unreserved I can be. Not that I do not have the ability to talk to anyone because if the circumstances dictates it, I do. I talked to all my patients as a nurse and most of my coworkers quite freely. Whenever I did a presentation for the United Way, I delivered my speeches quite eloquently. Although leading up to those presentations, I am always somewhat apprehensive. In general, I do enjoy all United Way activities, but I mentally prepare myself for them prior to attending. In this case, my friend called me late last night to invite me. I guess because she is a close friend I had no apprehensions about going. She did not give me details as to what the gathering was about but because I knew her, I trusted her. I must say that, I have been to other sales presentation that exasperated me. This one, however, was different, remarkably laid back. It turned out to be a beneficial outing that I actually needed.

I can compare this to playing a game of golf where it is not about playing the game but more about who you are playing with. It is about who is in your foursome. Anything can be an enjoyable or totally uncomfortable depending on whom we pick to play, socialize or live with. So it is not institutions whether businesses, marriage, or relationship that we should shy away from. It is just people that do not know how to interact well with others. Just wish I was aware of this when I was younger as opposed to now.

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