Waiting For direction.

Having lived in religious communities has enabled me to understand the error in man’s comprehension of what God expects of them. For that reason, I once wrote that I do not like religiousness. I am convinced that man uses religion to control other men. Jesus told the people in his day, I came so that you may not just simply live but live abundantly. I understand that to mean that his intentions were not to limit us but for us to live up to our full potential.

I have attended churches that believe that their foundation is based on biblical principles. One such church I attended would put aside members for not attending services regularly. They also did that if it is known that a person was involved in fortification or extra-marital relationship and whatever they view as unpardonable. In those days, my position was that I was simply learning. It was these experiences that enable me to determine what needed to be corrected. On occasion, I spoke privately to those in charged and voiced my opinion but, I cannot say that I brought about any change. The weird part was that each leader as an individual did not appear to be ungracious. Yet collectively, they were.

The problem that I have discovered with religiousness is that it condemns men. God intentions were not to destroy men. He created them. When men sinned, that brought about a separation between man and God. With that, He formulated a plan to reunite himself with man. The first part of his plan was enacted when Jesus Christ first appeared on earth. His life and his ministry were relatively short. His message was well received by some but, mostly people were interested in what he could do for them. When he did not carry out their request, they sought out a reason for him to be killed.

Given the years, the facts surrounding his death have been remarkably misconstrued. It is widely taught that he was killed by the Jews. What is not being said is that it was the religious sector, the Sanhedrin that requested that he be put to death. However, it was the Romans that carried out the actual crucifixion. It was the Roman soldiers that flagged him and nailed him to the cross.

During that time, the Jewish people were under Roman rule. They could not rightfully give the order to crucify anyone. The order had to be given by the Romans, and it was. Interestingly enough, all the blame went to the Jewish people. Ironically today, Rome or the Vatican is set up as the head of Christianity. Although, I must point out that there are some fundamental similar beliefs among Catholics as there is in Christianity. In general Catholics has a lot of rituals where Judeo-Christianity does not. Judeo-Christians beliefs are based on the fundamental Jewish beliefs in Yahweh as the one true God, and most importantly, they believe that Jesus was the messiah. My convictions are more in line with them and with Messianic Jews with whom, I can identify.

My purpose in life was never to teach, but my desire was always to enable those that were less fortunate. After I got married, that desire did not fade. My purpose for adopting our daughters was to fill those desires. It was extremely difficult, however, because I looked to my husband for direction and often did not feel as though I had the freedom to act independently. What made things even more difficult was that, he was not consistent. He would say one thing, and I do not know if he forgets but the next moment, he would say something else. I know I could have chosen to go behind his back and do what I needed to but that is not me. There is order in the God Head. The son of God gets his direction from the Father, and I too look to him for direction. God intended marriages to be a reflection of the relationship of the God Head, with this knowledge, I acted accordingly.

As in the model prayer of Jesus, he said, "On earth as it is in heaven." In other words, things on earth are to be the same as it is in heaven. That is the standard that I follow or live by. I rely on God the Father not only for directions, but for provisions as well, and is generally aware of what those are. So for now, that is the hold up, I am waiting on him. My moral compass is not dictated by human standards but by God. Whatever, He allows to happen in my life is what is going to be.

The following link is to a Messianic Congregation. Messianic synagogue: Congregation Beth El

Visit ruthspoetry.rahtimes.com/ for more on the Author.


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