Stole My Joy!

No one's going to steal my joy because He already did,
Then, He lies and denies everything.
As if all the evil thrown upon me in life was for my benefit.
Would give me pleasure, satisfaction from not achieving.
Promises given this woman, as he shares his life with others.
Those chosen as earthly wife, mother, daughter and family.
Turning a blind eye to me as he ignores all my desperate cries.
Wanting nothing other than to flee. He certainly does not respect,
Love or has ever treated me the way, one would assume, he would.

You crazy delusion girl, all the insults and hurtful words
He's hurled, inflicted me with sadness and tremendous hurt.
The realization that I was left all alone, unloved, engulfed!
Deserted by all of heaven, not given or shown any love.
I longed to be sheltered protected, provided for as heaven's child.
Not wanting to identify with my broken abandoned child.
His action is what has caused me to resent him, crippled me.
Confirms to me every day, how unloved and uncared for
I have been by him. An expected action from mankind
Was done by him, and perhaps me, as I mourn for her.

Yet, He's promised to come to me when I have achieved;
All the things that would be given me by the only one,
Who truly did love and admire, stood beside and will fight for me.
The very one, He deliberately removed, hid from view.
He took credit for his actions too. How heaven then,
Could expect me, ever to return, be his wife?
When they have all but poured condemnation
Humiliated and rejection, and given empty promises to me.
After given me a destiny that has truly shattered and destroyed.
Sucked happiness and joy and the very life out of me.
I do not want to ever return, but to be set free.
To no longer be whom and what I was, as heaven has forsaken me.

I would prefer to live my life quietly, in the place, I was born.
Yet, I know heaven has never granted me any of my desires.
How then could he stand before me as though he ever adored me?
He have never been there to comfort and care, only victimize me.

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