Celestial Wife

The one who was enthroned remains cold and indifferent to me.
Cocooned in his world of how he wants things to be;
He prohibits and cut off all from me.
Anyone who dares to love or care can never be!
Neither did he protect me from the enemy.
He inhibits, He is as he has always been,
A hindrance, who has cost me everything.
What he does not want is for the truth to be known.
So conspicuously, he chooses to hide and ignores.
While refusing to stand or walk beside,
For he wants no one to realize.
He refrains, and pretends what is written will not be so.
To others, he has given while refusing, denying and inflicting me.
It is very confusing, stripped by his Majesty of my dignity.
Who would ever believe? With him, all heaven was pleased.
Mankind knows only of him, and all my work is credited to him.
I keep expressing, but fail to communicate how this impacted me.
I cannot openly express regret, or say his name today.
It is truly from him that I want to take leave.
For never have he ever displayed any love or compassion,
Has done nothing but degraded, frustrated and with held passion from me.
It is with sorrow that I say I was his celestial wife.


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