The Future's Past!

As I peered into the future.
I watched as I stood waiting for you.
As I carried your feeble frame,
As you slipped from my presence.
I cried over and over, time and time again.

I truly wished, I could have imparted my love to you.
That I had called you, at the right time.
That you had gladly received me, that I had not upset you.
I often pondered and reflect back on those days too.

Was it that you or I that was trying to be faithful and true?
Did you decide that it was her, and not I that was the right one?
Had I not moved on, you not given up hope, desire desist,
I might not have removed myself, but I did. Not for my sake.
Thought I saw disapproval in your face. So I left, for yours.
Oddly enough, I thought it was what you wanted.
Knew you did not truly understand, I had obligations.
My family, my path were all chosen in accordance,
With the plan laid out for me. Wish It were not so.
That I could freely chose, for I would have certainly chosen you.

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