Vision and Dreams Explained.

There is a difference between a vision and a dream. I believe that a vision is based on precise sight of futuristic events. Visions consistently come to be, where as dreams may come true sometimes other times they do not. Dreams can sometimes be based on thoughts; visions, however, are not. Both visions and dreams are sometimes given by God and not always of our own volition.

When John wrote Revelations, he said he had a vision and then explained what he saw. One example was of the woman in Revelations 12 that was given wings of a great eagle. Being a man from an earlier period, he did a fantastic job describing what he saw. The only birds that a human have every ridden on are aero planes; therefore, he could not say, an airplane was chartered for the woman, so she could fly to her place. Then he wrote that he was carried away in the spirit. I am convinced that he was dreaming at that moment, for the things he wrote in that state cannot be as easily explained. There was more symbolism when John was dreaming than when he was seeing actual events. This is the difference between dreaming and having a vision. The symbols in John’s dream are representative of something other than what he was actually seeing. Generally in a vision what you see is literally what will be, but dreams very often are not literal. In the same manner, Nebuchadnezzar's dream was not.


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