
Have you ever given a person a million chances to prove they honestly loved you? Well, if you have to look for proof, chances are there is no proof, and they never loved you. No one would ever be that truthful, and honestly say, I truly did not love you. That would be the same as admitting they are lacking in themselves. They would probably say, I do not love you anymore, as if they once did but now they do not. Love is constant. It is not here today and gone tomorrow. If they did not love you yet claimed they did, they are not worthy of your love, although they can grow to love you in the future. No one, however, would want to be viewed as a deceiver and in so doing they deceive themselves. I know as a being how difficult the reality of that kind of deception is. I have searched the heart of God and men. God created men in his own image. Meaning, the way men, look as beings were patterned after God. The character of men is patterned off God’s and not the opposite way around. The reason I am telling you this is to say if you feel that you have failed me in any way know that God himself did too. Also, know that as many times as I have begged for release or rest from my difficult task, that he will not grant that. For anything that was granted was easily done, even in the presence of complication. Anyone that was given me was not utilized by anyone else. Anyone who loved me genuinely did so uncomplicatedly.

In my life more was taken from me by him, than was given, but if I dwell on that I would be eternally sad. It has been an enormously long time, and if it were meant for me to have physical support, I would have had that by now. I was once highly skilled at not dwelling on mundane things and I have examined these things and it did not help me any. Had it not been for recent events I probably would not have.

I realized that, in a few months, I will lose eighteen years of my work. The reality is that the only thing that kept me for all these years was my writings. I wrote, so that I could cope, and promoted my work to give me hope. In the end, it yielded nothing for me same as other things I worked extremely hard to attain. The purpose was to give me the freedom to do what I wanted to in life. Apart from whatever I was here to do, I had self will also but never freedom to do those things. I am quite honestly enslaved to my destiny. For that reason, some of the basic human needs were kept from me. By this, I mean love and security. Why I kept moving forward without looking back.

I was not given any particular ability to handle this so, I compensated for it. What I am saying is this was the way it was designed and in no way was it the fault of any person. I am releasing you from feeling responsible. I also have to accept this; I have tried to change it but again came up short.

I do ask my father the reason for all these things, and at times it makes sense but not his reasons for this. There are inaccuracies in my book. Some of my poems in relation to spiritual things were written based on what I was taught here. They are not factual, but because of what I am, it may later be taken as fact. For that reason, he has blocked the sale of my book leaving me immensely discouraged. Initially I was told it was because I unveiled myself. The truth is even my identity was hidden from me. He has only recently revealed all these things to me. Based on him doing this kind of thing to me for what seem like all of my life has defeated me. Thought you should know. The one thing that men have that I covet is the freedom to do whatever pleases them. Even the ability to reap the reward of their work is a blessing that I never enjoyed. Would this not have been a lot kinder if he had told me these things earlier as opposed to now causing eighteen years of my life to evaporate? Well just thought I should say, Farewell my friend. I may not think of you always, but know, I once thought highly of you. Once my contract expires, there will be no point to my blogging or web-site. So if, they disappear it is because there is no longer a need for me to do this.

Visit ruthspoetry.rahtimes.com/ for more on the Author.


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