Appreciate Truth!

I do not appreciate being lied to.
For me, truth is sincerity, integrity and honesty.
When words and actions do not correlate, to me that is untruth.
I would not condemn a person for being insincere I, however,
Would not quite honestly invest in an in depth friendship, with such.
In that case, I would be gracious but stay aloof, and keep them at arm’s length.
Does not mean that I do not love them, but could not have an intimate relationship,
For that would leave me in a constant state of frustration, like I often, now am.
I can sense the feelings of others; I discern their thoughts, and motives.
Not all people are open to me; generally it is only those seeking a relationship.
If I, as I usually often do become inundated with other things, then I’d miss
Some real, obvious clues. This has caused me to make mistakes as humans do.
Which should have lent to my being able to identify with them as people,
Although people always seem to have ulterior motives,
Which are another form of dishonesty, and is not attractive or enticing to me.


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