Simply Weary!

I tried to close my eyes, to rest my weary head,
You would not let me; there is work to be done.
It is necessary to finish what I have begun.
So sluggishly, I press on, for my strength is gone.
Why can’t you understand? Is that so hard to comprehend?
I know there is no point repeating it, again.
Look at what you have done! You have set me on the run.
You have closed the mind of the brilliant and caused the others
Not to be able to see. I know it is not faith for he did not think
That creatures such as me, existed, yet it was him, you gave vision.
The others who has predicted the end of the world must have forgotten,
That I had to be, before the world is plagued with calamity.
Only because they would no longer be protected once I have taken leave.

It will not be the end, just me leaving, returning to my home in heaven.
They know that a phenomenon will be, but they do not know it is related to me.
When I leave, I will take my believing children with me, not as men teach and believe.
I have tried to tell them, to reveal my frustrations, our future plans,
Yet there is no confirmation. Dumfounded by what, my presence, or situation?
Even in seeing, he did not understand, still did not know, what the point was.
I am weary, tired of asking, explaining. It is not my presence that is astonishing.
It is their inability to grasp the reality. That is what I think is truly baffling.
Frustrating that they have made such remarkably progress, with technology.
Still, they are plagued by agnosticism, confusion concerning the things they read.
How could that be? Although this, I should now understanding, that I have lived as them.

NO Fight Left

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