People That Live in Glass Houses Should not Throw Stones!

As much as I felt that my husband actions were his rejection of me. It disturbed me that he was so blinded to the one that sat every day with him, ate with him. He felt that it was beneficial for him to go out and serve others as his contribution to God. He failed to understand as I verbally said to him, your obligation; number one service should be to your family. A married man’s ministry should be firstly to his family. I know first hand the kind of devastation that such neglect lends to. As the head of the home, a man will have to answer to God for how he treated his wife and family.

In many ways, my husband is a terrific person but the way he related to me, caused me to be disappointed and sad. He served his church as a deacon and was in charge of the music ministry at church. He served as a board member of our school district educational activity fund. People on that board are generally business men from out community, and they host events to raise money for schools in our district. He also volunteered his engineering expertise to our local Christian Radio station. He served as cub-master for as long as my youngest son was in Cub Scout. Just to mention a few of the many things that he has participated in. Yet sadly, I can report that he never got to know me. After eighteen years of living with me, he saw but never grasp, he accepted but never truly believed and for that reason, I say, he never knew me. For if he knew, he would not have consistently put the interest of others above mine.

This is an example of one who after they work so hard for the benefit of the kingdom of heaven, yet then, he will be disappointed. Then there are those who knew but simply did not choose me, the fate of those will be the same as he. My heart honestly break for him, for his lacking in understanding, but he is not alone. There are countless others, in my family, and other wise that are just like he. Judge within your self. You think you are different from he, how do you treat your significant other. If you were ever given a change would you have chosen me, or did you chose someone else?

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