Wanted Friendship!

Yes, I chose you but needed you to want me too.
Wanted you to be more than a means to an end.
For my laughter to be the trade mark, not the situation,
I had fallen in. To have a genuine friend not to rescue me,
But for things to be the way it should have been.
So I kept quiet until I realized I had been forsaken.

If I love someone, I certainly would not turn him into a meal ticket.
My preference would be to have fun, be relax and carefree with him.
For my smile to light up the sky at the sight of him.
My steps could never be swift enough as I greeted him.
The disappointment on my face, when I said, goodbye,
And gloom and chill of his absence, my heart certainly felt.
Would never know the thrill, I hang my head for his sake,
Not mine, it hurts, as I turned and walked away.
For in loving, one has to be willing to some times lose.
Give up on certain things, for my desire was not to be
Anything other than a joy, a giver not a taker to and from him.

Right now, I am considering, and I have my doubts,
I think this time when I finally close this chapter, it will be for me.
There is still a lot of trouble to come as long as I stay here.
I will not be happy, for I have accepted that I am deserted.
It's Ok! So, I chose to say it again, fair well.
I would have loved to have known you, as a friend.
Cannot say, for I do not know that your sentiment was ever the same.
Visit ruthspoetry.rahtimes.com/ for more on the Author.


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