
My sister and I are the same, yet different.
From the tone, and appearance of our skin
To our style of dress and enormous warm cheesy grins.
Our vocation, interests and State we live in, seem worlds apart.
Both speak politely and kind, but hardly to each other,
Not because of differences but schedules and circumstances.

She actively fights for crime victim’s rights.
Is as busy and involved in her children's lives.
She assists and encourages and spends time with mostly her family.
Sometimes together or separately they lend a hand
In giving aid to the socioeconomic disadvantage.
Not for recognition, for that is not what is relevant.
But more out of generousness of spirit, which giving should be about.

As adults, we became separated by life and responsibilities.
And as far apart as we are, we pass on the same values to our children.
I’m glad that we have that in common too.
Although, I sincerely wish that one day we can set aside time for each other.
Until then, I am dedicating this poem to her for all she has done as a mother.
Supporting the interest, of her offspring, as they serve behind the scenes.
So with Joy, I tell you, the woman in the photo is my sister, and the cat my nephew.

Visit for more on the Author.


  1. I Love this poem, and shared it with my son Jullian. I feel like the Cat's meow (pun intended). Thanks Ruth: this is the nicest thing anyone of done for me recently. It is a reminder how kind words and recognition can make a person's day.


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