My Perspective!

Oh how I have come to abhor and despise you!
For your lies and the atrocities, you have committed
A thousand skies would not be enough to write on.
You have thought me not to trust or put my hope
In the one I came to know was the lover of my soul.

First you took my angelic beauty from me,
Then entrusted me to guardians that failed to provide.
Or to be loving parents to me, only to want from me.
If that were not enough the complexion you gave me,
your way to disguise me so that others may fail to recognize,
who truly gave birth to me. I came to fulfill a promise,
Not that you intended to give or bestow any on me.

Why should I believe, you have ever loved me?
Your actions show how cruel you can be.
Why did you enslave me, call someone else wife?
Never provided, equipped, enabled, comforted,
Displayed love or granted any of my requests?
Not that I have not asked a million times,
Or that I have not loved you, but that you have simply refused.

I am not asking, merely pointing out, that if there were any love,
Or if you had a tiny, all but a drop of honesty in you,
I would not have to say this. For what I know as blessing,
Honor and love you have not displayed toward me.
As to the things you have promises,
They are as a reward any master would give a slave,
That he chose as his partner. For your own benefit,
You chose to do this to me and to give your self all the glory!

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