As a Result of Age!

I need to be more mindful that my body has aged, and because of that there are limits as to what I can do physically. When it comes to tolerance and patience, it is also apparent that I am not as patient and or tolerant as when I was young. Whenever I am overwhelmed, I tend not to exercise, and that resulted in my body not being as strong and resistant as it once was. Lately, however, I have been working extremely hard on my health. One would assume that all the challenges, I  have had would have increased my patience threshold but quite honestly, it has not. The older I become the less foolishness, I tend to want to deal with. It consumes too much of my energy. For a while, it was like, every thing in the way of my interest, had ceased to exist. It took me quite a while to get to the point where I was able to go back to the gym. Last week was the first time in an awful long time. In doing so, I did not take into consideration that I had not done any kind of resistance exercises, and today my body is aching. Last night I could hardly stand up straight. After I had taken a pain medication, I was able to stand without any problems. Today, I still have residual pain but nothing like yesterday.

Outwardly, I appear to be fit, and tone but in reality as per my body that is not the case. This is an example of actuality and façade. It is also an example of me not being fully aware of my limits or the fact that my body has, in fact, deteriorated due to decrease activity. I know that I would always want to be the slender tone woman; I have always been and would not purposely allow my body to lose muscle mass or strength. Life, however, got in the way of my desires. Although, I am still more on the small side, I am not as firm as I would like to be. This is a pictorial example of an undesirable out come that did not result from intent.

I am fully capable of analyzing situations and am aware that not all things were willfully done to hurt me. Nonetheless, I was hurt, and it is my honest desire, to want to believe this. I, however, will not defend anyone’s actions and is merely expressing, how these things had affected me. It is particularly necessary to forgive others when they offend us, but it is not necessary for us to continue to allow others to be disrespectful. The one thing I can say is if no other person in this world loves me, that I do love myself. Precisely for this reason, I would not allow anyone to treat me less than how I deserve to be treated. At the very least, my relationship with any such persons would not be what it was. If the relation meant something to them, then steps would be taken to amend their actions. If they do not, then all things would remain splintered, which can be easily washed away, unlike an intact log. When one offends another, they should apologize and make amends, if they honestly want to maintain a relationship. Well at least, that is my expectation. When one makes no attempt to change, and continues with offensive behavior that can be immensely damaging to another’s self esteem.

I know this from experience hence my writing and unveiling of my identity. It resulted from my feeling offended and unappreciated by the God who sent me here, the husband I chose to marry, the children I selected to love and care for and in retrospect the one I chose to reveal myself to. I am fully aware that if nothing is done, by any of those to bring about restoration, that all those relationships would one day be nonexistent. All the shattered pieces would have all been blown away. I must say that my disappointment in all of these is largely a part of my wanting nothing more than just to walk away. The only reason, I have not so far is truly because the father is stopping me, in the same way he has blocked the sales of my book. He knows that it is my desire to use the revenues in order to disappear, but where there is a will, there is a way.

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