Severing These ties!

I was considering going to my state representative today. In my heart, I believe that a lot of things that happened in our home were as a result of the actions of a Child Protective worker.

My daughter who we have not seen since January 17th had called the cops on me after I went after her and a fellow I found at 2am having sex in our home. I had grabbed our broom intending to give him a beating with it. He jumped out of her bedroom window, and I used the stick to poke her out of bed. After I went to bed, she left the house and went to his and called the cops, alleging I assault her.

The cops later called Child protective services. The woman that came by never inquired from me what happened. She took the girls word and in believing her, months later went to my children high school and discussed the case with my children school counselor. The school counselor at various times then tried to probe my children for information. I know this because one of my older daughters told me. That daughter was extremely frustrated by the Child protective workers actions, and the counselor and she told me that.

With my children having numerous disabilities, I had to from the beginning fight to get my children, state required services. The other thing I know about them is that, at that school, they discriminate a lot against African American Children. In the state of Texas, they passed a law banning affirmative action. Now the law states that if a child is in the top ten percent, he automatically gets accepted in a college. In the school, my children attend; from the time it has been opened not one African American child has ever graduated in the top ten percent. My oldest adopted daughter was in the top ten for about two years. These people control what grades the children gets. In addition, they established a sting operation, where my daughter was handling a lot of their money. They claim that someone had been stealing from them. With that, they called me in and had me sign a document agreeing that my daughter would be stripped of all graduation honors.

When that Child protective worker showed up it gave the school the perfect way to get rid of me. In the end, it worked! The counselor told my youngest daughter, that I had no right to discipline her. In addition after my same daughter that had behavioral problems found that she had support, she started to make demands. She had child protective services, note that she wanted her own-room and a boy friend. She also wanted to spend more time with me and by that she meant a vacation. We then had to buy expensive airline tickets, but that was not what she wanted. It indicated that she could work the system and that she has done. With that, she did not stop there, and her tenacity and behavior escalated. It got to the point where it appeared as if she had arranged for some guys to hurt me because I continued to stand in her way.

This then lead to my youngest adopted daughter that the counselor advised that I could not punish, to start to act out. That girl is a little slow, and claimed that the counselor urged her to say that I had scratched her. Once she verbalized what the woman wanted to hear, she called Child protective Services to the school. Her intension was simply to get me to back off from doing what I was supposed to, in the way of getting them to do the right thing. As I mentioned before, it worked. For the first time in the history of my children attending public school, I did not go to this precise child 504 meeting.

My son who on a national percentile places as being 98 out of a 99 percent of school children his age cannot get into their ten percent. My daughter that did temporarily had an average IQ, while my sons IQ is 116 about average. In his freshman year, I had him take the SAT’s and on the math section, he scored 600 points out of the 800 points. My same daughter in her senior year did not score as high. She, however, got accepted in Texas A&M. According to them twenty six thousand applicant applied, they accepted nine thousand, but their goal was six.

My daughter that informed me of the Child Protective worker actions was later penalized by the school. This daughter is learning disabled but had done over four hundred hours of community service hours. Generally the school would give such a student an award and include them in their end of the year award ceremony, but they excluded her. Her sister who had done over three hundred hours of services was included. After I address this with them, they gave her a certificate but did not record the amount of hours she performed. My older daughter was able to get a scholarship based on her ability to show the amount of hours she did, but this child could not because they omitted her service hours from the certificate.

In addition, all the stress was what leads to my numerous medical problems. To date, I have been unable to get anyone to come along side me to fight against this horrible injustice. With that, I contacted the leader of the new Black Panther movement. He said he would be willing to help me for a fee, which is understandable.

I know that I will be highly criticized for doing this. It is not like me to allow anyone to take advantage of my children. I tolerate for a while, but it is time for me to fight back. Having to do this, however, will cause me to sever all ties with those who failed me.

There are some other extremely serious things that are happening and I need to do this and then get out of here. I could also give details of what others has done but what would be the point. This is where I now am. God has failed me on every level, and it is with the most excellent of reasons that I say that. In my heart, I know truths. The one, who is a well respected MD, that I thought was a friend, when I asked him for help. He responded by saying that I was a delusional psycho bitch. Now, what kind of monster says something like that? Could I ever have any kind of relationship ever again with that person.
From this day forward, it is only with those that accepted me and embraced me will I ever identify with. It does not matter what their religious affilation is. There are no Hebrews that would step up and stand up for me. What does it matter who my ancestors were? It is my todays that are more significant. They probably would all now side with the one who cursed me. I cannot force people to accept me, or love me and I have to know when I am not wanted.

For more of Ruth's poetry purchase, Fantasy/Controversy or My Reality.


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