Tried to Tell You!

How could I Jerusalem betray these?
He does not care for people such as these!
How little they comprehend, worshipping that man.
I was always lesser than he, hence my color.
I represent them, the reason, he responded to me
Exactly as, he did, never truly care for me, know that.
The reason my cries, my prayers are unanswered.
Why he chose not to help me, no matter what.
At no point would be for my benefit but for him.
This is the reason, I say, I want but do not want.
Ask but with absolute fear and apprehension.
Say do what you want, because I know him.
I know the circumstance. That he represents you.
That you also refused me many times, turned away.
He designed it that way, droved me away to live
To live a life of rejection, called me desolate.
Only he has done that, Took credit for all you will do.
And chose this very one for me, to then take from you.

For more of Ruth's poetry purchase, Fantasy/Controversy or My Reality.


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