A Good Turn!

Well I did my one noble deed for today. I had an appointment with my State Representative, but he was in a meeting. I did meet with this secretary. After reviewing all my documents, she proposed that I asked him to sponsor a bill protecting the rights of adopted parents from facing wrongful investigation. This is something that is truly necessary, and it would be gratifying to be apart of. I do not know that it would help me, but it would certainly help others in the future.

I am still majorly sore concerning the travesty that occurred here and the effects these things will have on my future relationships. Life is about choices, and we can walk away or accept that we are not favored by others. Right now I am struggling to deal with the precise thought of all these things. Unfortunately, when others do not care, my hurts and struggles does not matter to them. I have come to terms with that, and for this reason, I am choosing to do what I will do.

I honestly would prefer to handle myself and these affairs in a dignified manner and not have to partner with people that do not represent my beliefs. Then again, neither does my husband or x-partner. Without support and financial backing, unfortunately, I cannot do what I am determined to. As apart of being me, dismissing this is not an option. I am sore enough that I will not rest until I take legal action against those that unjustly inflicted me.
For more of Ruth's poetry purchase, Fantasy/Controversy or My Reality.


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