The Last Dances!

If I could have only one dance,

Would I chose to dance with anyone
Or save it for my favorite person?
Would I dance at the start of life?
When would I choose to do, my very last dance?
And with whom would it be?
A lover or someone, who partner with me,
At life's peak, or towards the end,
When I am tired and weary?
If I could freely chose my dance partner?
Would I chose one who has no regard,
Joy or respect for me or my dance?
Would that not affect the quality,
Even the thrill of the dance for me?
Would we not be out of step?
I know, I'd rather chose to dance
With a lover who was aligned with me.
To perform at life’s peak when I am at my best.
Why wouldn't I save the dance for who I loved
And He who loved me best of all?
To that one I would give my magnificent,
And spend my glory days with.
All I now wish for is for him to feel the same.
The last dances, if I could have my way with this.


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