Time to Stand!

I am alone!
Have always been
It is time for me to
Stop second guessing
And considering.

Time has proven
That, if I do not fight.
I’ll always be here.
Imprisoned by the reality
That there is no other choice.
I have to turn away from these.
They do not even care, if I do.

It is time for me to stand.
Do this on my own.
Forget about them.
When have they considered,
Demonstrated that I mattered?
They say that they love
Just to deceive or stop me.

That will not work anymore.
There is not anything worth
Sitting around or waiting for.
Will remember all the many
Ways and days, they have refused
Has persistently denied me.

When they finally come around
Will not forget, they turned me down.
Wasn't me, that they choose.
No, does not mean, wait. It means
I will stand alone, unsupported in this.
So I'll simply stand, then be free to leave!
For more of Ruth's poetry purchase, Fantasy/Controversy or My Reality.


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