New Meaning!

I suppose, what I am about to do, gives a new meaning to being clothe with the sun and standing of the moon. The sun, which is representative of my father and the moon, my mother. As the only person who has agreed to help me is an African American Muslim, I will then symbolically stand on my mother's people. I must say that initially I reached out to those to ask for help. One eventually replied by cursing at me, the other did not answer. Yet, that in its self was an answer. These events are what will cause me to stand against all of them.

I sincerely tried, even after I spoke to the fellow, I reconsidered. Is this not exactly what my daughter, did to me? Yet, because all these has refused me, this is the only choice I am faced with. The reason I say, I will not accomplish all of my purpose. Revelations 12 also said that I would give birth to a son that would become a ruler. The father of that child was supposedly one of the two, I reached out to for help. He was the one that did not answer. That, in its self, was enough of an answer. How then, could I turn around and embrace him in such a manner? I certainly cannot, not after I have been wounded in the way, I have been.

At this point, I would not accept help from these, I am simply trying to make sense of this.


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