A Great Love!

You made me come alive.
Brought meaning to my life.
Caused the passion that's with in
To emerge that I could live.
Instead of simply surviving.

My days were like fire cracker
A lot brighter and cheerer.
My troubles seem light as a feather.
The slightest thought, of you lifted my mood.
I was happier because I loved you.

Life was a struggle, but it had no bearing on me,
Or what I was doing for at the mere sight of you,
My cares would melt and I could feel it too.
Even though the years has changed a lot.
It did not alter the great love, I had for you.

I lost your love, but the memory of you.
Lingers on in my heart.
That love still lifts me up on tough days
It helps me to be happy sometimes.


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