The Loved and Rejected!

I realized he mostly revealed lies.
His momentarily is more than fifty years
Too much for me to get through.
Yet, I battled to finish successfully.
I understand his reasons, his rejections.
For hiding me from the world.
Perhaps they would have loved, if they knew.
The point is, he did not intend that for me.
He trashed my spirit to honor her.
I was an example of how far he willingly chose
To go, to do for her, showered her with love
While hating me a million times more, I sorrow.
Why would someone as independent as he,
Honor and bless someone as rotten as she.
No one does that sake for the object of their desire.
Yet, she remains unaware, does not even appreciate it.
While day after day, I am cognizant of his actions.
I weeping uncontrolably and begged for mercy.
He heard, just does not desire only despise and hates me.
He trampled my soul, denied me quiet and opportunity.
Although, it is not written, gave me nothing more than
Grief, empty promises and fear of facing tomorrow.
Whatever I had, whatever I owned, was not given,
I achieved it all on my own. I was never his priority.
The reason I was placed secondary to her and deprived.
Left barren and alone but not to die, so I and others
Will surely come to know  and realize it.


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