The humilated, not honored servant!

Unlike a servant, but a slave
I was adorned with humiliation.
Left to labor from cradle until my grave.
Protection became a foreign concept.
Abandonment my hallmark and endowment.
But a rare, delightful butterfly, I emerged.
Colorless moth, the portrait of my life,
accomplished little, I was not chosen to fly.
It matter not how hard I worked or tried.
I was not reward, received harsh words and indifference.
Merciless punishment became my only payment.
My name and position taken and awarded to another.
I was cursed, as I requested help, treated unlike others.
I did realized, I had better be still, not ask any more.
With that state of mind, I lost my beauty and my smile.
Soon I had even fewer support, no one to walk beside me.
My family did not know, recognized or requested me.
My Father did not comfort, keep his words, but turned away from me.
Claimed that he appointed others to watch over me. Human beings!
All took advantage, raped and did not do right by me.
How could I say, I was his most valuable treasure?
When all indicated that, he forsook and dishonored.
Typical of him; he hurts those he loves, without reason.


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