New Name, ancestry and deserted!

Jerusalem has a new name.
She is also not the same.
Presently, she does not love her husband.
Because his actions severely impacted her.
He also carries a new name but only a few knows.
In her presence, he selected himself a new wife.
One that he blessed and gave the best in life.
Provided for that wife by giving all his youth to her.
There was not any joy or provision made for the angel.
Only that which brought her sorrow and shame.
No reward, or compensation for all her work.
Her husband and all of his followers deserted her.
Which one of them ever loved, knew or defended her?
Chose to do in order to uplift and glorify her.
Do you know what the father plans are for her?
It has grieved and destroyed what matters to her most.
Even truth is not that to her but lies and deception.
Promises of peace to stop her destruction, unwelcome.
For frail and in a pile of rubble her foundation lay.
Destroyed by the one that claims he'll return to her.


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