Thought of the Day!

Why a person would purposely chose to live the quality of life where the mundane meets the serene is bewildering to me? Is life’s purpose only for existing? Do we not all have some kind of responsibility to contribute something? Are any of us created only to continue the circle of life? I do not believe that we are all expected to discover new worlds but perhaps to be that one who carries another’s burden. I am fully convinced that every single life was given purpose.

I read and see many that seem only to strive for popularity and wealth, and I wonder about their contentment. Outward happiness is not joy. It is only a temporary fix. Plus it is like working only for the immediate as if there is no thought to what comes after. The sacrifice to attain without thinking about the after life is much too serious. It is especially so if, the result of attaining those things does not result in eternal peace.

I am not at all against the ordinary or those with popularity, but they are both at the extreme end of the spectrum of life. Living would be ideal if one could be both well known and have an ordinary life style at the same time. Attaining the kind of life that will leave a positive mark, one that is not overwhelming, but contented and free would be the perfect balance. I must add that I am still working to achieve that balance if only through my writings. I do enjoy the quiet at times, and actually become extremely annoyed when my privacy is invaded.


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