Salt for Your Wound!

I know it is true that not I or any earthly being
That was worth anything, loved or ever wanted you.
If you do not want to be with any of them again.
I will support your decision, just not in person.
Even, if you now choose to turn away from me.
For I gave you every reason not to love me.
By behaving exactly as if you were my enemy.
After I walked away from you, extending promises
That will further devalue you and all you wanted to do.
Why would you not be disappointed in heaven?
And feel as though you have been left without a home.
I took it all away from you, but who would ever believe you.
I know that, for you, all this is like pouring salt in your wound.
The same as when they gave me vinegar for my thirst, accept it!
But sincerely, what actual benefit is there in choosing
A desolate forgotten unknown woman, think about that!


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