
When you love someone, if they are in danger, the natural thing to do is protect them. In this world, there is a spiritual war going on, and although these things are recorded, people do not quite comprehend it. When it came to God's messengers, the ones he sent, he pre-recorded it. The point of that is so that there are no doubts as to whom, they belong. If anyone claims to be celestial, I would not all together doubt them, but if they are unable to show where they pre-existed in scripture, then they are from the other side. That is clearly written in Revelations 12. It says woe unto the earth for the great serpent the devil has gone down to them. Then it speaks about the woman that gave birth to a son and that he pursued the woman in order to destroy her. Now, why do you honestly think, he wants to do that? For as long as that woman is here, the earth is protected, and that is also recorded.

The truth is for now, the devil reigns here. In whatever way I have been inflicted it was because of him. The bible also says that God will shorten the days for the sake of the elect. He will do that simply because the suffering of the child of God on earth is too vast. I become sad and worried like any other person. When I said I did not like it here, I meant, here on earth. From my view point, people can be extremely harsh and selfish, and that is the prevalent fault that I feel is modifying. The bible says that God so loved the world that he gave. He sacrificed his son, and yet again, he sent, and men are unchanged.

There is some truly distinct characteristic of a child of God. There is truly a joy in the midst of trouble. A delightful personality that is quite lovable and that abrasiveness just is not there. Even while doing sinful things or living like a sinner there is something that is exceptionally lovely about his child. I know it because I have seen in the being that deserted me. In spite of the way he is currently living, to those in his life, he is viewed as a wonderful person.

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