
Like every human, I have things that have sentimental value to me which gives them greater significance than their monetary value. My wallet that was stolen over the weekend, I purchased in Kuala Lumpur. For the most part, I use it almost every day. It is not something that can be purchased from a corner store in the US. It was made from leather, was woven in the front, but otherwise it was like any other wallet.

The most unusual thing is that my children knows if they are caught illegally using my credit cards, I will press charges. I find this kind of intrusion terribly upsetting and strongly believe that it is wrong. It is certainly beyond me that a person would be so foolish, and risk their future for trinkets or to commit a petty crime.

Within my heart, I felt that my husband believed that I misplaced it. He did not sympathize with me. Instead, he had his own theory as to what might have become of my wallet. I deliberately took my driver licenses, money and a credit card out of it before leaving for the park. I did so because I did not want to carry it with me so as to lose it. I certainly did not expect it to be taken by one of the precise ones I nurtured and cared for. It is beyond me that anyone could be so mean spirited.

I do not quite understand why I become so hurt after I am inflicted by these when in many ways, I have already emotionally with drawn myself. I have truly valid reason why I do not trust human beings.

I remember being friends with a fellow whose parents owned a well known business on fifth Avenue. We once had an argument in front of his central park apartment. He had two at that time. We were going to the Pocono’s to go canoeing. He wanted for us to take his car and to leave mine parked on the street. I remembered that I felt that, I would feel safer if I were in possesion of my vehicle, as opposed to being in someone else. Back then, no matter how close my friendship was with anyone, or what they owned or position they held, I always had my safety at the fore-front of my mind. To have then gone from an exceedingly cautious girl to becoming trapped in this situation is so not like me. I used to protect myself from all, regardless of their wealth, but I never thought I would have to hide or protect myself from family.

I know the reason I am trapped is that the first thing my husband did after we got married was to close all my personal accounts. He traded in my vehicle for a family van, and it has only been in the past two years that he found it necessary for me to have my own personal vehicle.

I used to be skeptical and nervous and even about people that treated me well. I, however, felt safe with my husband and that was the reason, I married him. Now I have become quite unsafe with him. In my heart, it is not as straightforward as replacing the wallet and cards. That trip to Kuala Lumpur was a once in a life time kind of a trip, and that was what made the wallet of greater significance. Not that I want to go there again to make up for this lost. Sometimes things lost cannot be replaced.

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