Surgery Indicated!

After persisting, I finally got my biopsy findings. The fantastic news is that the mass is not malignant. The not so pleasant news is that it has some characteristic that causes it to enlarged, with that, I will have to have surgery. I am not sure if this is a good or terrible news, but it is what it is. So here I go again on my own. When it will be, I do not know but probably soon. I feel so vulnerable, right now. I seriously feel that I am totally screwed because we have a HMO and have to go with my doctor's recommendation or insurance will not pay for this. I have not been working for the last eighteen years so I cannot go out of net work as I did when we first got married. There is no way under the sun that my husband would pay out of pocket for this. Whatever resources I had has been long depleted so I guess, my choice would be to leave it or submit.


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