It is Him not Her!

A friend of mine once told me that when children are little, they wrap themselves around their parent’s leg. As children age they wrap themselves around their parent's heart. I was in my twenties when she said that to me, today, I can say that I understand her statement.

Who but a parent should be grieved when their child insists on error? As much as my daughter has done most of her sins were against her own self. She did choose to disrespect me and commit fortification in my presence. I know she does not understand the magnitude of that, and although that saddens me, it was for this purpose that I came. I truly understand her pain and even her choices.

The prophet Isaiah wrote; can a mother forget the name of her child, perhaps, she can, but I the Lord, certain would not. Those saying are also true of me. In my humanness, I hurt, and I have stress, and trials like any other. In the same way, Jesus Christ could have died, so can I. I am affected by situations, but I look beyond them to the purpose. I grieve, and I hurt, but these afflictions are nothing in comparison to the hurt caused me by the Lord. In truth, that over shadows all. More than any of these, this was what has caused me to struggle. I know that I prayed for my children especially that daughter for years and that I did not get the help I need.

I had my biological son before I adopted my other children. The one thing I did not want was for my choices to affect any of my children especially my first born son, but it did. At around the six grade level, my son tested to be in the ninety-nine percentile in math. In the last few weeks, for the first time in his academic career, he brought home a failing grade. Why would I not be grieved? In one of my poem, I asked, what’s this pain that I feel in my chest. I asked that because I had pains in my chest, that I knew were stress related.

I sorrow because as much as I have literally done for my child she is unaware of my love for her. I can do for her and always will. My true issues are not with her but with the Lord. I need to heal my body, my heart and my soul. He has left me for the last time because although I will never desire to be with him again, it is he that I do not want near me. I know that he will always chose to do as he as done. As I am as I always was, so is he.

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