Momentary Joy!

I had an extremely enjoyable weekend to come home to the fact that I am living with some extremely dangerous children. I cannot begin to communicate the many generous things that I have done for the children that I adopted. Yet, over and over they have continuously chosen to terrorize me in many ways. One of the difficulties, I had in the past was that my husband never believed me as to the things the children would do.

Our family has an annual camping trip at this time for several years. Everyone would step away from their usual activity to attend. I personally do not like camping, but for my children's sake, I would. Then again, there are many things that I do solely for their benefit. My husband and several of the children left on Friday night, I stayed behind because my youngest adopted daughter had a wrestling tournament. A few weeks ago she joined her school’s girls wrestling team. By being apart of the team, she gets to practice until late at school and competes on weekend. Had she not been in an event she would have been grounded for sneaking out the house at night and going to parties.

I told her, she could compete in the Friday night match, but that on Saturday; I would take her to the state park to join the rest of the family and a few friends. She got home about 12pm, and I informed her, we would leave at 7am Saturday morning. I awoke around 6:30 on Saturday. I went to her room only to find that she had already packed. I then reminded my daughter, that we would be leaving shortly. Two of my close friends were waiting in our drive-way for us. The plan was that we would carpool to the park. I went out to talk with them, as my daughter was still not ready, when the time came to leave. I thought it odd, that she was in the house, for as long as she was. I went in to tell her, it was well pass the time to leave. She finally emerged with two bags for an over-night trip.

We had an enjoyable weekend hiking, and socializing with friends. The teenagers bicycled and appeared to have had an equally enjoyable time. We left the park around 1pm and were home a little before 2pm, today. I went to my bedroom, and the first thing; I noticed was that my wallet was not where I left it. I know we were not burglarized because I had activated the alarm before I left and the house was obviously not robbed. Neither one of my girl friends entered my home but waited out side for me. I, however, know that they are trust-worthy.

In the past, with dealing with my adopted children, I know that no matter the circumstance, they see me as the obstacle that holds them back. I also know that this being the case, they would try to inflict some kind of vengeful act on me. Whenever I would try to impart to my husband what was happening, he would defend them and accuse me of making up stories about the girls. Only now after there was no denying that I had suffered considerable amount of personal attacks has he been supportive of me. The truth is, it is a little too late. All my insurance cards, credits, and bank cards are gone.

I had personally begged the one I called my celestial partner to; please help me get out of this horrible situation. He did not even empathize with me but instead chose to curse me. That caused me to reflect on the many ways by which God had failed to protect me in the past. It has left me feeling terribly angry with everyone that I have ever reached out to for assistance, those that failed to help me, in the past. It made me feel that all those had turned their backs on me. It has caused me to continue to be angry, and to refrain from asking for help, but to suffer in silence. I have prophesied but at the same time I am reluctant. I love, but I do not trust, I view all as being worthless. It has caused me to lose my love and respect for human life. To feel as if there is no place in the universe for me, for I have no desire for man or the celestial being that was once my partner.

The truth is as horrible as this act was, in the past; these had plotted to do by far even worse. If it were not for what I am, I would have already been dead. The thing is they are such proficient liars, I am sure they would have gotten away with whatever they had chosen to do. I know that I will be delivered from this. I just do not know by who and when. I had a moment of peace, and joy but once again it has turned into sadness.

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