Change of Plans!

I am back with the same frustration of doctors making referrals to people within their group. At the moment, I am too physically tired and frustrated right now to be engaged in a battle or confrontation with anyone..

Someone within my primary care doctor's medical group thwarted my entire plan to handle my medical issue quietly. They called my husband's office today and left a message for him saying I needed to call their office for an appointment with one of their surgeons. So now he knows and as sure as there is a God in the sky, he will challenge me later today. Need I say that I am in a pickle? At this time, I will take the path of least resistance and forget about this surgery thing, for now. What I have is a mass that has increased in size and not a cancer.

The past year has been extremely trying for me. Even prior to all my trouble I spent a whole lot of energies trying for my partner to help me, to no avail. I have enough on my plate. All I truly want to do is find a place to rest, not take on any challenges. I was trying so hard to make this as stressless as possible. It feels like the devils does whatever he can to make life on earth, a living hell on me.

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