Cannot Bye or capture Love!

Wish I could tell you, what the heaviness
In my chest is about, just not sure, myself.

Could it be a heart attack, or just an ache from lost love?
Distress from the hardness of those that surrounds me,
Or my way of crying out, my heart saying, too much trouble?

It certainly not the power of care, The Lord had no passion for me.
He made it abundantly clear. He's way too busy caring for
Others that do not belong to him, those that never will, but they got
All that I never did or ever will in this life. Now I am sure I do not want it.

Last night he told me that my prince will never call.
Or was that the doubt in my heart or was it my mind.
Apart of me believe that he is trying to sow doubt in me.
Desires for me to believe everyone is as uncaring as he was.
It matters not, I have already given up. Know what they are like.

Cannot determine want from lust, using from loving.
Although I must say, I also know what it is like to not want.
Even the one that was always constantly right next to me.
Walked away from him as wealthy as he was, he was nothing more
Than a nuisance to me, supposed he was shocked too that I wanted others.

Guess that is how it is with things of the heart. I certainly cannot tell
What it is saying, or what it actually wants, although I think I now know.
A little too late, He has turned away once again for the final fare-well.

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