The Father's Doings, Not Mine!

The man, but not the heavenly creature would
Turn his back to me, not even for a moment.
I am honestly all that he has ever truly got.
If you do not believe, you must Revelation read.
The exact last book in the Christian bible.
Or Isaiah 54, which speaks of the creator's wife.

In the battle against humanity, he will our
Celestial army lead, this is not just my sayings.
How could you fight against immortals creatures?
You cannot rob us of life. What defense would there be?
What benefit would there be for me to be ranting, foolishly?
All I have said has already been written.

It is all there but again, you do not have to believe.
Flesh is not actually related to me, I tried to please them.
Cannot say that any, but one family member is my friend.
The Father that I referred to, resides in heaven.
He is the one that selected, sent, chose you, designed my destiny.
Whatever apprehension you might have, take it to him, not me!
The Father does as He chooses, as his servant, all I do is obey.

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