From my Stance!

I think my coming here was a mistake. The idea was honorable, but my experiences will cause me to retaliate against this entire race. The idea was to understand, but I do not see anything noble in them just folly. This is the reason restriction was placed on me, if not; I would have ended it and left already. It would be an enormous mistake to keep me, in my current situation, much longer. I feel as if I am being forced to do this and that is making me even more upset. I certainly do not buy into the whole idea of being put aside, for a purpose. For me, being put aside, and being push aside is all the same.

At this point, I certainly will not reveal myself to men so that they can change or treat me differently. If they could not do that out of the goodness of their heart, then that is what I see as truth. A child ought to respect their parent, whether her mother is a pauper or the queen of heaven. A mother, father, sister, brother or cousin, should love, and respect their relatives and treat them as such. If everyone knew who I was, all would have treated me like an angel, and that would not have been an authentic view of humanity.

I remember, and I have tried to erase it from my mind, the way one of the owners of that dry cleaners treated me. Yet, I opened not my mouth and remained polite until, I had enough, then I put the fear of God in him. From that point, he avoided me like the plague. His son and his brother treated me as if they knew who I was, kudos to them. In my second job, the powers to be were Jews, and they treated me as if, I was one of them. My celestial husband worked there, and that made quite the difference, then he was kind to me and looked out for my interest. The irony was then; he used to tell everyone that I was his young wife. He would look in my direction and give one of his smirky smiles. I would give him a blank stare, but would not give him the satisfaction of admitting that it was true. Now he has turned the tables on me. The exception is that I never denied it, but I did not acknowledge that he was telling the truth.

It is only now that I am upset, I wrote him according to him, a million times, he execrates, to let him know how much this has hurt me. He claimed this was not his fault and that I was delusional. This is the reason, I say, he denied me. I asked him to get me out of my current situation. Who has the power to release one from their obligation other than the one that place them there? That is my point.

It is difficult not being recognized and respected when given my position, I should be. I am by no means a sadist, and I have done my best for all I was involved with. I did not reject anyone but gave all a fair enough chance. It is not my doing if they are lacking in understanding, or knowledge. People should love and treat all people the same regardless of race, back-ground or economic status that was the point. The reason, I kept my mouth shut, the reason, I now chose to speak because I am finished.


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