Same Reaction, Different Circumstance!

What does age have to do with faithfulness?
If you found one, in which you could delight
Then why not, by all means pursue her.
Unless she gives you no for an answer,
The possibility exists, why cover your interest
Place it under a fog by finding pleasure in others.

People and their circumstances will never be perfect
The reality and the reason may not always be
What we were taught are convinced of or believe.
Take my existence for an example, my appearance
What you see even as a person was not what I came from.
As a being many would never believe in my existence.
Their imagination of my appearance is misconstrued.
Yet you saw, did not quite grasps but it is true.

I honestly did not leave because I knew your heart,
It was not until, you thought, do not call me there.
That was actually when I turned away was half
Of a decade, that I waited and waited for you.
Then I did what was best for me, again my situation
It is the same. God treats all men the same.
Even through his messenger, as if to say I will be here
Until the day, my heart breaks because you continuously
Pushed me away by choosing not to love or love another.

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