My Exit!

I exited the stage, the platform of life.
I had followed my dreams, learned a few things.
I did what I loved most as opposed to the logical things.
An excellent performance both on and off stage.
That was me, just not who I finally became.
I lost myself in my craft and in my needs and desires.
First for my sake, then for my audience.
I found myself trapped by what I thought, I wanted.
Much too late, I realize there was not anything I could do.
The show was still on, the program still airing.
Many came to see, but my most desired.
I was sorely disappointed, once an attractive woman, I lost my edge.
I stepped in the hallway feeling unsure, insecure but knew;
My mind was saying I placed emphasis on the wrong things.
As exhilarating as being on stage was that also had become unsatisfying.


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