Change of Heart!

Why should you hold me when you never have,
Hidden me; sheltered and protected me from harm?
I truly never meant you any damage, I was wrong.
Should not have insisted that you needed to understand.

If you have ever been there, supporting, caring me.
I would never have become weary or undone.
The stress and pressures would not have inflicted,
Caused my body to break down and become pre-cancerous.

Wish I could believe you, wanted your words to be true.
Even when you did nothing but cursed, and got rid of me.
I made a choice, but I will in the New Year change it.
I need to do this for me, for you would use, but never love me.

Will do as was recommended, and will close my womb.
It is written that I will not, but according to you, I’m not,
The one of whom those words were recorded and I am, I quote.
A delusional girl with flight of ideas, who does not matter.

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