Magnificent Intent!

I hurt them as much as they have hurt me by writing about their behaviors. Yet, I am not being forthright and as detailed in explaining. I came here for the experience and based on that I will judge and do judge men.

I wish I could tell my friends the truth, but unless they have seen, I cannot do that. I have already revealed more than I should have. Although, some things would be better explained in person.

I was extremely apprehensive about writing this article, but felt it important for the sake of my future relationship. My unique difference is that, people live in the moment, but I can see past that. It was what caused me to reach out every time that I did. Yet when they refrained, it confused me. I cannot comprehend how I could choose  any one who does that. Yet, I can, because my current husband was also chosen. For those precise reasons, I do not see any difference in him from I do others. Nothing with me is co-incidental, my path, destiny is all in the hands of the creator. Whatever concerns I expressed was not regarding the immediate, but something pertaining to the future.

I gain healing through my writings, but that does not mean that my feelings or relationship has changed. It simply means that my writings enable me to not struggle as much emotionally. I am sincerely not every woman but am here to experience the hardship of women. Not every woman might have stayed and chosen to do what I did, but for my purpose, he left me in it. My agility is no longer what it was. I believe the current stress was what affected my body and caused me to have a pre-cancerous legion. For that reason, I am consumed with leaving. It matters not what I am experiencing or faced with, people around me are who and what they are. I no longer have the strength to deal with it.

There is a purpose behind the events in my life, even this. I understand; nonetheless, it frustrates me, especially so because it never occurred to me that any one would have turn a blind eye to this. I know what will come next, the purpose and relation of all in my life. All seem to be for to teach me what it means to truly love. What I did not know was how any would react, that was hidden from me. I was naïve, there seem to be more cruelty that goodness in people.

All I could do is what I did, and have no control over anything anyone does. I am only in control of myself and at times, I'm afraid not even of that. It has certainly caused me to be some what resentful. I sincerely hope that is a temporary state of being. I would never want to be a harden human. Whether it was a relationship or aspiration or whatever it was that caused me to be secondary, hope they realize truth.

I have written as much as I am able to without revealing too much. I wish, I was not always so apprehensive, could openly write, but my intent is not to bring shame to anyone.

People can only see what is directly in front of them, but not a hundred percent of the time. They'll see convenience as truth and that is truly one of the differences between then and me.

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